How Online Classes Can Help Homeschooled Children Gain Key Social and Teamwork Skills

Academic performance isn’t your only concern when homeschooling your children. You also want them to develop strong social skills and learn how to work well with others in group settings. Whether they move from homeschooling to college, technical school, or straight into the workplace, all children need confidence when interacting with others.

The best homeschool experiences are created with a wide variety of materials. You may have your favorite textbook publisher and online learning resources, but what about online courses? You can use online classes to expand your child’s education beyond basic math, reading, and science. They can even help with those non-academic skills like socialization and teamwork.

Do Homeschooled Children Lack Social Skills?

Numerous scientific studies have proven that most homeschooled children aren’t lacking when it comes to socialization. One study used the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales to compare 20 homeschooled children with 13 students attending public schools, measuring socialization, communication, and daily living skills. The data showed that the homeschooled students surpassed the public-school students both in maturity and socialization skills.

Those results are often not surprising to homeschool families. It’s clear that socialization skills are gained through a variety of life experiences. They aren’t limited to in-person classrooms.
The same applies to teamwork. Homeschooled children can learn to work with others through interactions with siblings, parents, and extended social networks beyond the home. Enrolling your children in online courses is just one more opportunity to expand their social and teamwork skills while remaining in full control of each child’s educational experience.

Developing Social & Teamwork Skills through Online Learning

There are a lot of benefits to enrolling your children in online learning programs, but there are three perks that directly apply to the development of social and teamwork skills.

Unique Class Options

There are online courses focused on just about anything your children might want to learn. From programs that teach entrepreneurial skills to code and game design classes, homeschooled children have access to quality courses that meet the unique interests of each child.

Globalized Socialization

Online courses now do more than allow children to work at their own pace. They allow students to interact with one another, developing socialization and teamwork skills alongside marketable academic and professional skills. Global platforms allow students to interact with other children from around the world, expanding their cultural awareness as well.

Ample Creativity Outlets

Research into creativity has shown it is invaluable for the development of personal fulfillment as well as professional and academic success. Unfortunately, many public schools still value academic performance on standardized tests over creative expression. That’s where homeschooled children often gain an advantage. When parents are in full control of the curriculum, they can include courses that encourage creativity along with academic material.

Online Courses for Homeschooled Children Who Want to Excel

Are your homeschooled children ready to expand their horizons by interacting with other students from around the world and learning new skills that match their personal interests? If so, check out the courses offered by Wiz Kid. We offer private online courses as well as live online group classes for kids aged 4 to 18.

Our curriculum is always flexible, and we’re dedicated to offering an expansive collection of courses that capture the varied interests of today’s children. Explore our programs online and enroll your children for online experiences that help with academic and social growth.


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